Because there's just no other job in the world where you can...
...Eat breakfast on a patio overlooking a gorgeous lake--and instead of paying for that view, like most people, you're literally getting paid for that view.
...Go swimming in that lake during your break time.
...Brag that YOUR CAMPER is second principal violin of one of the most famous youth orchestras in the music world.
...Cuddle with a cat and get kitty kisses while you're working on your latest screenplay.
...Actually get paid to sit in a cabin and do crafts with hilarious, intelligent young women who actually laugh at your lame baseball and orchestra jokes.
...Get exercise by walking around the campus with other counselors and discussing music, camp rules, and political travesties...all while looking for misbehaving campers, which you rarely if ever find.
...Go to concerts, plays, film screenings, and musicals FOR FREE, and watch your girls kick butt performing in them.
...Meet Gavin DeGraw while on-duty chaperoning a concert.
...Make Hunger Games-themed decorations for your cabin, and then hear people say, "I'd BETTER be in that cabin!" when they see the sign saying, Welcome to the Capitol.
...Make all the obscure references you want, because people UNDERSTAND THEM HERE.
...Sit at a table full of filmmaking faculty and overhear a discussion about the sound design of all your least-favorite action films. (It's funny. Trust me.)
...Listen to Bruce Springsteen and read Madeleine L'Engle while working office duty, and not get scolded for it.
...Get dressed up as an old married couple with your co-counselor for "dress your counselor" day, which your girls find absolutely hilarious.
...Get hugged at least six times a day.
...Eat $1 soft-serve ice cream while sitting outside a Steve Martin performance.
...Go out for fried ice cream at 11:00 PM on your one night off per week.
...Get up at 6:45 AM, go right back to bed, and sleep until noon, because your first office shift isn't until 2:00 PM.
...Be surrounded by artists 24/7.
Yeah. Best job ever, anyone?
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