Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Homesickness, Receding

As you can probably tell from my previous post, I've been feeling very homesick today. But this evening, just when I was on the verge of crying, I went on Facebook and found out that this guy at my school, who shall henceforth be known as Hal 9000 (thirty gold stars to whoever gets the reference), found a "stray" cat that still had its collar, and took it into his room. He then proceeded to feed it lettuce and, drumroll please, POSTED A PICTURE OF THE CAT ON FACEBOOK.

Two things wrong with this. 1) Obviously, CATS DO NOT EAT LETTUCE. My roommate, upon hearing about this, said, "If you try to feed a cat lettuce, it'll just look at you like, 'What are you, stupid?'" I don't even have a cat and I know that. 2) McDaniel College students are NOT allowed to have animals in their dorms. Hal knows this, and he is terrified of Campus Safety, so why in the HELL he would post evidence of his rule-breaking on Facebook is far beyond me.

In addition: There could be fleas on that thing. Hal and his roommate moved out of one dorm already due to bedbugs. (The way the freshmen boys treat their dorms, I'm not surprised.) Now, they could potentially get other things from that cat, depending on how long it's been lost...which, according to my cat-expert roommate, is not very long, because while Hal described it as "fairly thin and dirty," my roommate pronounced it well-fed...and, y'know, I'm going to go with her judgment on that, seeing as, well, SHE IS NOT THE ONE WHO BROUGHT IN A STRAY CAT AND FED IT LETTUCE.

Thank you, Hal. I wasn't expecting to laugh much this evening. House of Mouse, one of my favorite comfort shows, failed to make me laugh. You, however, were successful. Congratulations. You get gold stars. (And, considering how annoyed I was with you before this, you need all the gold stars you can get.)

Also today I found out who my Big (Sister, for Gamma Sigma Sigma) is...and it is a lovely, lovely girl whom I have been friends with since the beginning of this semester, who shall henceforth be known as Haymitch (that was her nickname before I knew she was my Big - in Gamma Sig, we don't get to know who our Bigs are until Activation). She's given me plenty of presents throughout the process, but tonight she gave me four adorable little plushies and a hand-me-down panda bear dressed in a superhero costume. That panda, I swear...we don't remember his real name, so we're calling him Mr. Cuddles. And he is cuddly, I will tell you that right now. That might actually be the most comforting object I have ever held, that bear.

Also, it was chicken nugget day in Glar, so I actually got a decent lunch, which made me very happy.

I'm having the usual trouble with men...a.k.a., I can't read their minds, and it's very frustrating. Today, a certain male friend of mine, who I'll call Joker (because that's who he reminds me of) said that my lipstick looked like it belonged on a 1950s whore. Knowing that he was probably joking, I retaliated by leaving a lipstick print on his cheek...and when he complained that he had a presentation, I tried to pat it off with a dry napkin. He said he wanted to keep it on, and it wasn't coming off anyway, so I told him, "Good, because it doesn't want to come off." He sulked about that, so I later told him that a wet paper towel would probably take it off...and he completely disregarded that, because later on I saw him with the lipstick print STILL on his cheek. I'm not sure if I find this whole incident amusing or very, very frustrating.

I don't generally do diary-style postings like this. This is a new experience for me.

Should I sign off? I think I should.

Goodbye? Later? Meh.


There. That's better.


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